Honesty In Accounting

I still remember the first time I filed taxes for my business. In addition to having no idea what a write-off really was, I also didn't worry too much about guessing on the numbers. A few government audits later, I discovered what it really meant to do things the right way. Over the years, I have met lots of business owners that weren't too worried about fudging the numbers, and nearly all of them have run into problems. Proper accounting is important, which is why I created this website dedicated to business accounting. I know that if you learn the right way to do things and focus on integrity, your business can avoid a world of problems.

3 Estate Planning Tips For Seniors


While many people find planning for end-of-life uncomfortable, it's an important step to take for any senior. Planning what happens to your home, bank accounts, and other assets once you pass away will give you and your family peace of mind. Working with an estate attorney on your estate planning will also help minimize tax burdens for anyone who inherits part of your estate. Here are a few important estate planning tips for seniors to keep in mind.

Take an Inventory of Your Assets

The first step when performing any estate planning is to take a careful inventory of your assets and put it in writing. This should include your home, any other properties you own, your vehicles, jewelry, art, and any other valuable belongings. Be sure to include appraisal documents or receipts. You will also want to include an inventory of your bank accounts, including savings, retirement accounts, and any investments. Keep all of this information clearly labeled and organized, both electronically and in printed copies.

Appoint an Estate Executor

After making a thorough inventory of your estate, it's important to appoint someone in your life to be the executor. This will be the person who manages your estate and makes sure your will is adhered to after you die. This should be someone you trust and know very well. They should be honest, organized, and detail-oriented. They should also be younger than you and in good health, to minimize the chances that they will die before you. You can also appoint a successor, or backup executor, just in case.

Work With an Estate Attorney

Perhaps the most important step you can take is to work with an estate attorney. Your estate attorney will ensure that all of your wishes regarding your estate are legally binding. They will also advise you on how to help your loved ones avoid paying steep taxes when inheriting assets from your estate. The estate attorney will also collaborate with your estate executor, helping to make the process of enacting your will less stressful and time-consuming.

Planning for what happens to your home, money, and other assets after you pass away is an important step to take as a senior. By working closely with an experienced estate attorney and following the tips in this blog post, you and your loved ones will be able to rest easy knowing your estate planning is fully accounted for.  


30 May 2023